Main Dashboard Analytics Explanation

Unlock Smartlead Main Dashboard Analytics: Gain a comprehensive understanding of key metrics and insights for data-driven decision-making

The main campaign dashboard has 5 Key Metrics

Opened / Open Rate*
Clicked / Clicked Rate*
Replied / Replied Rate
Positive Reply / Positive Reply Rate*

It also has additional data you can find by hovering over the progress bar.

You can find the Unique Open Rate, Unique Click Count, Leads In Progress and more in the hover card

Let's breakdown how each of these are calculated.

For each of these calculations assume the campaign has:

- 100 leads
- 4 sequences


The number represents the total number of emails sent for the campaign at that moment.
It includes all sequences.

So if 100 leads received sequence 1 and 20 leads have got sequence 2, this number will be 120.

To find the individual per sequence breakdown, click into the campaign to view the data


The number represents the total number of unique opens the campaign at that moment.
It includes all sequences.

Even if an email has been opened multiple times, it only considers it once.

So if 100 leads received sequence 1 out of which 80 opened the email

and 20 leads have got sequence 2, out of which 5 have opened the email

The total opened count will be 85.

Open Rate Percentage

Open rates are calculated by dividing the unique opens / number of leads that have gotten at least 1 email.

A unique open represents AT MOST 1 open across the entire 4 sequences.

If 100 leads received sequence 1, 80 opened the first email.

20 leads receive sequence 2, 5 open the email, but all those 5 have also opened emails from sequence 1.

In this case the "unique open count" will be only 80 not 85.

So we use 80 (unique opens) / 100 (number of leads reached)


The number represents the total number of clicks in the campaign at that moment.
It includes all sequences.

So if sequence 1 , 2 and 3 all have links, if each link is clicked for a lead, the click count will be 3.

Clicked Percentage

Clicked Percentage is calculated by dividing the unique clicks / unique opens.

A unique click represents AT MOST 1 click across the entire 4 sequences.

A unique open represents AT MOST 1 open across the entire 4 sequences.


The number represents the total number of Replies in the campaign at that moment.
It includes all sequences.

Reply Percentage

Reply Percentage is calculated by dividing the total replies / unique opens.

A unique reply represents AT MOST 1 reply across the entire 4 sequences.

A unique open represents AT MOST 1 open across the entire 4 sequences.

Positive Reply

This number represents the total number of replies that have been marked with a category, in the master inbox, that have a "positive" sentiment

Positive Reply Rate

This number represents the number of positively categorised replies / total replies

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