Adding a new email sequence to an active campaign

Enhance your active campaign by adding a new email sequence. Learn how to integrate and optimize your campaign with targeted messaging.

If you have an active campaign with multiple steps and want to add a new step, it's important to understand how the new step will affect leads that have already progressed through the earlier steps of the campaign

When you add a new step to an active campaign, leads that have already reached the previous step will be moved to the new step and the emails in that step will start going out, regardless of the delay you have set between the previous step and the new step. However, the leads that have not yet reached the previous step will not be affected by this update and will continue to follow the given schedule.

For example, if you have a campaign with three steps and some leads have already reached step 3, adding a fourth step will cause those leads to be moved to the new step and start receiving emails from step 4. However, the leads that have not yet reached step 3 will not be affected and will continue to progress through the campaign based on the original schedule.

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