Full API Documentation

Smartlead's full API documentation for automation


Welcome to Smartlead’s Developer documentation. You’re here because you want to automate the day lights out of your outbound.

Smartlead’s API is very powerful and gives you flexibility to do almost everything you can do using the interface. You’ll find all that power on this page.

So lets goooo!

Getting Started & Authentication

Step 1

Head to your settings section. Click on the “Activate API button”

Step 2

If your plan has API access, your API key will be provided to you here. Do not share this with anyone. This is the key that acts as an identity to your account, think of it as your username & password combined.

Step 3

All our API’s point to our dedicated domain https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1

Using the API key in step 2 you can make requests to our system.

You will need to attach the API key as a query string to all the requests listed below under the query parameter ?api_key=yourApiKey

Rate limits

Your API key is rate limited to 10 requests every 2 seconds

API Reference 🛬 GET

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns?api_key=API_KEY>



A campaign refers to an outreach sequence you want to run to a list of leads with certain conditions.


A lead in the API is the same as the lead in your app. They are the recipient of your email / the person you’re trying to contact. Aka the people you provide value to with the awesome products/services you have to sell to them


Whenever you need to update a campaign or a lead


When someone no longer wants to hear from you, they unsubscribe, aka the no more touchy zone.

Lead Status

STARTED: The lead is scheduled to start and is yet to receive the 1st email in the sequence.
COMPLETED: The lead has received all the emails in the campaign.
BLOCKED: A lead is blocked when the email sent is bounced or if added in the global block list
INPROGRESS: The lead has last received atleast one email in the sequence.


Get Campaign By Id

This endpoint fetches a campaign based on its id.

API Reference 🛬 GET

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/{campaign_id}?api_key={API_KEY}>

The above request yields the below JSON response

Response - JSON of campaign

	"id": 372
	"user_id": 124
	"created_at":  "2022-05-26T03:47:31.448094+00:00"
	"updated_at": "2022-05-26T03:47:31.448094+00:00"
	"name": "My Epic Campaign"
	"scheduler_cron_value": "{ tz: 'Australia/Sydney', days: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], endHour: '23:00', startHour: '10:00' }"
	"min_time_btwn_emails": 10 // minutes
	"max_leads_per_day": 10
	"unsubscribe_text": "Don't Contact Me",
	"client_id": 23 // null if the campaign is not attached to a client,
	"enable_ai_esp_matching": true, // leads will be matched with similar ESP mailboxes IF they exist, else normal sending occurs
	"send_as_plain_text": true, // emails for this campaign are sent as plain text (parsing out any html)
	"follow_up_percentage": 40% // the follow up percetange allocated - it is assumed 60% is new leads

URL Parameters

Parameter Description campaign_id The ID of the campaign you want to fetch

Create Campaign

This endpoint creates a campaign

API Reference 🛫 POST

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/create?api_key=${API_KEY}>
--data { "name": "Test email campaign", "client_id": 22 // leave null if no client }

The above request yields the below JSON response

Response - JSON of campaign

    ok: true,
    id: 3023,
    name: "Test email campaign",
    created_at: 2022-11-07T16:23:24.025929+00:00

Update Campaign Schedule

This endpoint updates a campaign’s schedule.

API Reference 🛫 POST

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/><campaign-id>/schedule?api_key=${API_KEY}
--data {
  "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
  "days_of_the_week": [1],   // [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]
  "start_hour": "01:11",         // "09:00"
  "end_hour": "02:22",        // "18:00"
  "min_time_btw_emails": 10, // time in minutes between emails
  "max_new_leads_per_day": 20 // max new leads per day
	"schedule_start_time": "2023-04-25T07:29:25.978Z" // Standard ISO format accepted

Please use the Timezones available here:


The above request yields the below JSON response

Response - JSON of campaign

  ok: true,

Error400 - BED REQUEST

{"error":"Invalid timezone - {timezone}"}

{"error":"Invalid start_hour - {startHour}"}

{"error":"Invalid end_hour - {endHour}"}

{"error":"startHour cannot be greater that endHour"}

Update Campaign General Settings

This endpoint updates a campaign’s general settings

API Reference 🛫 POST

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/><campaign-id>/settings?api_key=${API_KEY}
--data {
  "stop_lead_settings": "REPLY_TO_AN_EMAIL", // allowed values are -> CLICK_ON_A_LINK | OPEN_AN_EMAIL
  "unsubscribe_text": "",
  "send_as_plain_text": false,
	"follow_up_percentage": 100, // max allowed 100 min allowed 0
	"client_id": 33 // leave as null if not needed,
	"enable_ai_esp_matching": true // by default is false

The above request yields the below JSON response

Response - JSON of campaign

  ok: true,

Error400 - BED REQUEST

Invalid track_settings value - {trackSettings}

{"error":"Invalid stop_lead_settings value - {stopLeadSettings}"}

Fetch Campaign Sequence By Campaign ID

This endpoint fetches a campaign’s sequence data

API Reference 🛬 GET

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/><campaign-id>/sequences?api_key=${API_KEY}

The above request yields the below JSON response

Response - JSON of <campaign_sequence>

         "email_body":"<p>Hi<br><br>How are you?<br><br>Hope you're doing good</p>",
         "subject":"Ema a",
         "email_body":"<p>This is a new game a</p>",
         "subject":"C emsil",
         "email_body":"<p>Hiii C</p>",

Save Campaign Sequence

This endpoint saves a sequence within a campaign

API Reference 🛫 POST

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/><campaign-id>/sequences?api_key=${API_KEY}
--data {
  "sequences": [
      "id": 8494,
      "seq_number": 1,
      "seq_delay_details": {
        "delay_in_days": 1
      "seq_variants": [
          "subject": "Subject",
          "email_body": "<p>Hi<br><br>How are you?<br><br>Hope you're doing good</p>",
          "variant_label": "A",
          "id": 2535 // don't pass the ID key value pair when creating only pass for updating
          "subject": "Ema a",
          "email_body": "<p>This is a new game a</p>",
          "variant_label": "B",
          "id": 2536 // don't pass the ID key value pair when creating only pass for updating
          "subject": "C emsil",
          "email_body": "<p>Hiii C</p>",
          "variant_label": "C",
          "id": 2537 // don't pass the ID key value pair when creating only pass for updating
     "id": 8495,
      "seq_number": 2,
      "seq_delay_details": {
        "delay_in_days": 1
      "subject": "", // blank makes the follow up in the same thread
      "email_body": "<p>Bump up right!</p>"

The above request yields the below JSON response

Response - JSON of success message

"ok": true,
"data": "success"

Error404 - NOT FOUND

{"error":"Campaign not found - Invalid campaign_id."}

List all Campaigns

This endpoint fetches all the campaigns in your account

API Reference 🛬 GET

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns?api_key={API_KEY}>

The above request yields an array of JSONs like below

Response - List of <email_campaign> schema

	"id": 372,
	"user_id": 124,
	"created_at": "2022-05-26T03:47:31.448094+00:00",
	"updated_at": "2022-05-26T03:47:31.448094+00:00",
	"name": "My Epic Campaign",
	"scheduler_cron_value": "{ tz: 'Australia/Sydney', days: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], endHour: '23:00', startHour: '10:00' }",
	"min_time_btwn_emails": 10, // minutes
	"max_leads_per_day": 10,
	"unsubscribe_text": "Don't Contact Me",
	"client_id": 22 // null if not attached to a client

Delete Campaign

This endpoint deletes the campaigns in your account

API Reference 🛫 DELETE

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/{campaign_id}?api_key={API_KEY}>

The above request yields an array of JSONs like below

Response - Success Response

"ok": true

List all email accounts per campaign

This endpoint fetches all the email accounts used for sending emails to leads in the campaign

API Reference 🛬 GET

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/{campaign_id}/email-accounts?api_key={API_KEY}>

The above request yields an array of JSONs like below

Response - List of <email_account> schema

	"id": 24
	"created_at": "2022-05-26T03:47:31.448094+00:00"
	"updated_at": "2022-05-26T03:47:31.448094+00:00"
	"user_id": 123
	"from_name": "Cristiano Rolando"
	"from_email": "[email protected]"
	"username": "[email protected]"
	"smtp_host": "smtp.gmail.com"
	"smtp_port": 993
	"smtp_port_type": "SSL"
	"message_per_day": 100
	"different_reply_to_address": ""
	"is_different_imap_account": false
	"imap_username": "[email protected]"
	"imap_host": "imap.gmail.com"
	"imap_port": 495
	"imap_port_type": "SSL"
	"signature": ""
	"custom_tracking_domain": "<http://emailtracking.goldenboot.com>"
	"bcc_email": ""
	"is_smtp_success": true
	"smtp_failure_error": ""
	"imap_failure_error": ""
	"daily_sent_count": 48 

Add Email Account To A Campaign

This endpoint lets you add an email account to a campaign

API Reference 🛫 POST

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/><campaign-id>/email-accounts?api_key=${API_KEY}
-- data {"email_account_ids": [2907]}

The above request yields success/failure response

Response - List of <results> schema

"ok": true,
"result": [
		"id": 46417,
		"email_campaign_id": 1353,
		"email_account_id": 2907,
		"updated_at": "2022-11-07T15:28:18.171Z"

Error400 - BED REQUEST

{"error":"Email account id - 297 not allowed. Permission Error."}

Error404 - NOT FOUND

{"error":"Campaign not found - Invalid campaign_id."}

Remove Email Account From A Campaign

This endpoint lets you delete an email account from a campaign

API Reference 🛫 DELETE

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/><campaign-id>/email-accounts?api_key=${API_KEY}
-- data {"email_account_ids": [2907]}

The above request yields success/failure response

Response - List of <results> schema

"ok": true,
"result": 1

Error400 - BED REQUEST

{"error":"Email account id - 297 not allowed. Permission Error."}

Error404 - NOT FOUND

{"error":"Campaign not found - Invalid campaign_id."}

Fetch all Campaigns using Lead ID

This endpoint lets you fetch all the campaigns a Lead belongs to using the Lead ID

API Reference 🛫 GET

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/leads/><lead_id>/campaigns?api_key=${API_KEY}

The above request yields the results schema below

Response - List of <results> schema

        "id": 2911,
        "status": "COMPLETED",
        "name": "SL - High Intent Leads guide"
        "id": 5055,
        "status": "DRAFTED",
        "name": ""

Fetch all email accounts associated to a user

This endpoint fetches all the email accounts used for sending emails to leads in the campaign

API Reference 🛬 GET

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/email-accounts/?api_key=><API_KEY>&offset=0&limit=10

// default value
// offset = 0, limit = 100

// min value
// offset = 0

// max value
// limit = 100

The above request yields an array of JSONs like below

Response - List of <email_account> schema

	"id": 24
	"created_at": "2022-05-26T03:47:31.448094+00:00"
	"updated_at": "2022-05-26T03:47:31.448094+00:00"
	"user_id": 123
	"from_name": "Cristiano Rolando"
	"from_email": "[email protected]"
	"username": "[email protected]"
	"password": "potato"
	"imap_password": "gogopotato"
	"smtp_host": "smtp.gmail.com"
	"smtp_port": 993
	"smtp_port_type": "SSL"
	"message_per_day": 100
	"different_reply_to_address": ""
	"is_different_imap_account": false
	"imap_username": "[email protected]"
	"imap_host": "imap.gmail.com"
	"imap_port": 495
	"imap_port_type": "SSL"
	"signature": ""
	"custom_tracking_domain": "<http://emailtracking.goldenboot.com>"
	"bcc_email": ""
	"is_smtp_success": true
	"smtp_failure_error": ""
	"imap_failure_error": ""
	"daily_sent_count": 48,
	"client_id": 33 // null if it is not attached to a client
	"warmup_details": {
      "id": 99200,
      "status": "INACTIVE",
      "total_sent_count": 7,
      "total_spam_count": 0,
      "warmup_reputation": "100%"

Create an Email Account

This endpoint updates a specific email account based on the id provided in the JSON body

API Reference 🛬 POST

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/email-accounts/save?api_key=${API_KEY}>
--data {
  "id": 2849, // set null to create new email account
  "from_name": "Ramesh",
  "from_email": "[email protected]",
  "user_name": "[email protected]",
  "password": "gjfsvtyrqpemuqzf",
  "smtp_host": "smtp.gmail.com",
  "smtp_port": 465,
  "imap_host": "imap.gmail.com",
  "imap_port": 993,
  "max_email_per_day": 100,
  "custom_tracking_url": "",
  "bcc": "",
  "signature": "",
  "warmup_enabled": false, // set true to enable warmup
  "total_warmup_per_day": null, 
  "daily_rampup": null, // set value to enable ramup
  "reply_rate_percentage": null,
	"client_id": null, // set value to assign to client id

The above request yields a JSON like below

Response Success 200 OK

"message":"Email account added/updated successfully!",
"warmupKey": "apple-keyes"

Response Failure Bad Request 400


 ok: false,
message: 'Email account already added by other user.',
 emailAccountId: null
 ok: false,
message: 'Email account already exist. Please pass id to update it',
 emailAccountId: ${existingAccountId}


 ok: false,
  message: 'Email account not found!',
 errorCode: 'ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND',
 emailAccountId: emailAccountData.id


 ok: false,
 message: 'Email account verification failed. Please verify account details.',
 emailAccountId: emailAccountData.id,
 error: e.message

Update Email Account

This endpoint updates an email account

API Reference 🛬 POST

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/email-accounts/><email_account_id>?api_key=<api_key>
--data {
  "max_email_per_day": 100,
  "custom_tracking_url": "",
  "bcc": "[email protected]",
  "signature": "Thanks,</br>Ramesh Kumar M",
	"client_id": 22 // leave as null if this is not needed
	"time_to_wait_in_mins": 3 // minimum integer time (in minutes) to wait before sending next email using this email account (leave null if not needed)

The above request yields a success response


{"ok":true,"message":"Email account details updated successfully!","emailAccountId":10607}

Fetch Email Account By ID

This endpoint gets all email details by Account ID

API Reference 🛫 GET

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/email-accounts/><account_id>/?api_key=<API_KEY>

The above request yields success/failure response


  "id": 106466,
  "created_at": "2023-04-18T09:02:46.060Z",
  "updated_at": "2023-05-30T06:06:20.587Z",
  "user_id": 2,
  "from_name": "Vaibhav",
  "from_email": "[email protected]",
  "username": "[email protected]",
  "password": "xuF_aj4u",
  "smtp_host": "smtp.zoho.com.au",
  "smtp_port": 465,
  "smtp_port_type": "SSL",
  "message_per_day": 200,
  "different_reply_to_address": "",
  "is_different_imap_account": false,
  "imap_username": "",
  "imap_password": "",
  "imap_host": "imap.zoho.com.au",
  "imap_port": 993,
  "imap_port_type": "SSL",
  "signature": null,
  "custom_tracking_domain": "",
  "bcc_email": null,
  "is_smtp_success": true,
  "is_imap_success": true,
  "smtp_failure_error": null,
  "imap_failure_error": null,
  "type": "SMTP",
  "daily_sent_count": 0,
  "client_id": null,
  "warmup_details": {
    "id": 99200,
    "status": "INACTIVE",
    "created_at": "2023-04-18T09:02:54.822507+00:00",
    "reply_rate": 20,
    "warmup_key_id": "brass-sleep",
    "blocked_reason": null,
    "total_sent_count": 7,
    "total_spam_count": 0,
    "warmup_max_count": 40,
    "warmup_min_count": 3,
    "is_warmup_blocked": false,
    "max_email_per_day": 40,
    "warmup_reputation": "100%"

Add/Update Warmup To Email Account

This endpoint lets you add / update the warmup settings to an email account

API Reference 🛫 POST

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/email-accounts/><email_account_id>/warmup?api_key=<api_key>
  "warmup_enabled": true, // set false to disable warmup
  "total_warmup_per_day": 35,
  "daily_rampup": 2, // set this value to have daily ramup increase in warmup emails
  "reply_rate_percentage": 38,
	"warmup_key_id": "apple-juice" //string value if passed will update the custom warmup-key identifier

The above request yields success/failure response


{"ok":true,"message":"Email warmup details updated successfully!","emailAccountId":10607, "warmupKey": "banan-apple"}

Fetch Warmup Stats By Email Account ID

This endpoint fetches stats for the last 7 days by the email account id

API Reference 🛫 GET

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/email-accounts/><email_account_id>/warmup-stats?api_key=<api_key>

The above request yields success/failure response


  "id": 106466,
  "sent_count": "0",
  "spam_count": "0",
  "inbox_count": "0",
  "warmup_email_received_count": "0",
  "stats_by_date": [
      "id": 1,
      "date": "2023-05-23",
      "sent_count": 0,
      "reply_count": 0,
      "save_from_spam_count": 0
      "id": 2,
      "date": "2023-05-24",
      "sent_count": 0,
      "reply_count": 0,
      "save_from_spam_count": 0
      "id": 3,
      "date": "2023-05-25",
      "sent_count": 0,
      "reply_count": 0,
      "save_from_spam_count": 0
      "id": 4,
      "date": "2023-05-26",
      "sent_count": 0,
      "reply_count": 0,
      "save_from_spam_count": 0
      "id": 5,
      "date": "2023-05-27",
      "sent_count": 0,
      "reply_count": 0,
      "save_from_spam_count": 0
      "id": 6,
      "date": "2023-05-28",
      "sent_count": 0,
      "reply_count": 0,
      "save_from_spam_count": 0
      "id": 7,
      "date": "2023-05-29",
      "sent_count": 0,
      "reply_count": 0,
      "save_from_spam_count": 0
      "id": 8,
      "date": "2023-05-30",
      "sent_count": 0,
      "reply_count": 0,
      "save_from_spam_count": 0

List all leads by campaign id

This endpoint fetches all the leads in a campaign using the campaign’s ID

API Reference 🛬 GET

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/{campaign_id}/leads?api_key={API_KEY}&offset={number}&limit={number}>

The above request yields an array of JSONs like below

Response - List of <lead_result_data> schema

"total_leads": 823,
"offset": 10,
"limit": 100
"data": [
		"campaign_lead_map_id": 23
		"status": "SENT"
		"created_at": "2022-05-26T03:47:31.448094+00:00"
		"lead": {
			"id": 423
			"first_name": "Cristiano"
			"last_name": "Ronaldo"
			"email": "[email protected]"
			"phone_number": 0239392029
			"company_name": "Manchester United"
			"website": "mufc.com"
			"location": "London"
			"custom_fields": {"Title": "Regional Manager", "First_Line": "Loved your recent post about remote work on Linkedin" }
			"linkedin_profile": "<http://www.linkedin.com/in/cristianoronaldo>"
			"company_url": "mufc.com"
			"is_unsubscribed": false

Fetch lead categories

This endpoint fetches all your categories

API Reference 🛬 GET

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/leads/fetch-categories?api_key=${API_KEY}>

The above request yields an array of JSONs like below

Response - List of <category_result_data> schema

	"id": 1,
	"created_at": "2022-08-30T12:32:48.645Z",
	"name": "Interested"
	"id": 2,
	"created_at": "2022-08-30T12:32:55.159Z",
	"name": "Meeting Request"
	"id": 3,
	"created_at": "2022-08-30T12:33:02.286Z",
	"name": "Not Interested"
	"id": 4,
	"created_at": "2022-08-30T12:33:09.895Z",
	"name": "Do Not Contact"
	"id": 5,
	"created_at": "2022-08-30T12:33:16.204Z",
	"name": "Information Request"
	"id": 6,
	"created_at": "2022-08-30T12:33:22.323Z",
	"name": "Out Of Office"
	"id": 7,
	"created_at": "2022-08-30T12:33:28.519Z",
	"name": "Wrong Person"

Fetch lead by email address

This endpoint fetches a lead’s data using the email address

API Reference 🛬 GET

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/leads/?api_key=${API_KEY}&email=${email}>

The above request yields a JSON

Response - <lead> schema

"id": "627657",
"first_name": "Ramesh",
"last_name": "Madanlal",
"email": "[email protected]",
"created_at": "2022-08-29T06:15:31.513Z",
"phone_number": "9042859097",
"company_name": "Five2One",
"website": "www.five2one.com.au",
"location": "India",
"custom_fields": {},
"linkedin_profile": "",
"company_url": "",
"is_unsubscribed": false

Export data from a campaign

This endpoint returns a CSV file of all leads from a campaign using the campaign’s ID

API Reference 🛬 GET

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/{campaign_id}/leads-export?api_key={API_KEY}>

The above request yields the csv format below

Response <csv with columns>

id - integer
campaign_lead_map_id - integer
status - text
created_at - timestamp with time zone
first_name - text
last_name - text
email - text
phone_number - text
company_name - text
website - text
location - text
custom_fields - jsonb
linkedin_profile - text
company_url - text
is_unsubscribed - boolean
last_email_sequence_sent - integer
is_interested - boolean
open_count - integer
click_count - integer
reply_count- integer

Fetch Lead Message History Based On Campaign

This endpoint returns an array containing the entire message history of a lead specific to a campaign (Same data as in the master inbox)

API Reference 🛬 GET

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/{campaign_id}/leads/{lead_id}/message-history?api_key={API_KEY}>

The above request yields the csv format below

Response JSON Array

"history": [
            "type": "SENT",
						"message_id": <[email protected]>
						"stats_id": "iuh2o3iuh3o2ih2-iuho3-edwhi92-oiho3-3223oihoi9uf
            "time": "2023-03-13T07:44:12.978Z",
            "email_body": "<div>Hi Christiano, lets do the SIIUUUU</div>",
            "subject": "Quick question for you, Ronaldo"
            "type": "SENT",
						"message_id": <[email protected]>
						"stats_id": "iuh2o3iuh3o2ih2-iuho3-edwhi92-oiho3-3223oihoi9uf
            "time": "2023-03-15T07:50:56.673Z",
            "email_body": "<div>Hi Christiano, it's okay if Messi was offerred more money</div>",
            "subject": "RE: Quick question for you, Ronaldo"
            "type": "REPLY",
						"message_id": <[email protected]>
						"stats_id": "iuh2o3iuh3o2ih2-iuho3-edwhi92-oiho3-3223oihoi9uf
            "time": "2023-03-15T09:13:29.000Z",
            "email_body": "<p>Yes, I was upset but I am fine, I have bugatti</p>"
    "from": "[email protected]",
    "to": "[email protected]"

Reply To Lead From Master Inbox via API

This endpoint allows you to reply to a lead using the Master Inbox API

API Reference 🛬 POST

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/${campaign_id}/reply-email-thread?api_key={API_KEY}>

// email_stats_id unique id per lead per email sequence per campaign (Can be fetched via email campaigns -> lead -> [message-history API](<https://help.smartlead.ai/API-Documentation-a0d223bdd3154a77b3735497aad9419f?pvs=21>))
"email_stats_id": "a739fed0-c965-47e3-8f36-3e6d2805acec",

//reply message email body    
"email_body": "Hey just testing reply from master inbox!", 

// message_id to which email will sent reply (Can be fetched via email campaigns -> lead -> [message-history API](<https://help.smartlead.ai/API-Documentation-a0d223bdd3154a77b3735497aad9419f?pvs=21>))   
"reply_message_id": "<CAAfSCXmLWEUF1rc4Hc4D5d1m4+jORS+Sg-pCV2ErfGju+mUOOw@mail.gmail.com>", 

// the time of the message to which the reply message is sent (Can be fetched via email campaigns -> lead -> [message-history API](<https://help.smartlead.ai/API-Documentation-a0d223bdd3154a77b3735497aad9419f?pvs=21>))
"reply_email_time": "2023-06-19T08:10:35.000Z", 

// the message to which the reply message is sent (Can be fetched via email campaigns -> lead -> [message-history API](<https://help.smartlead.ai/API-Documentation-a0d223bdd3154a77b3735497aad9419f?pvs=21>))
"reply_email_body": "<html><head>\\r\\n<meta http-equiv=\\"Content-Type\\" content=\\"text/html; charset=utf-8\\"></head><body><div dir=\\"ltr\\"><div dir=\\"ltr\\">Interested</div><br><div class=\\"gmail_quote\\"><div dir=\\"ltr\\" class=\\"gmail_attr\\">On Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 1:23 PM Ramesh Kumar &lt;<a href=\\"<mailto:[email protected]>\\">[email protected]</a>&gt; wrote:<br></div><blockquote class=\\"gmail_quote\\" style=\\"margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex; border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204); padding-left:1ex\\"><u></u><div><div>I'm testing webhook. Please click below -&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div><a href=\\"<https://click.sleadtrack.com/link?messageId=%3Csw-a739fed0-c965-47e3-8f36-3e6d2805acec%40outlook.com%3E&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F\\>" target=\\"_blank\\"><https://www.google.com/></a></div><div><br></div><div>Thanks,</div><div>Ramesh</div><p></p><p style=\\"font-size:12px\\"><a href=\\"<https://open.sleadtrack.com/unsubscribe?messageId=%[email protected]%3E\\>" target=\\"_blank\\">unsubscribe here </a></p><img src=\\"<https://open.sleadtrack.com/image?messageId=%[email protected]%3E\\>" alt=\\"\\" title=\\"\\" width=\\"1\\" height=\\"1\\" style=\\"display:none\\"> </div></blockquote></div><br clear=\\"all\\"><div><br></div><span class=\\"gmail_signature_prefix\\">-- </span><br><div dir=\\"ltr\\" class=\\"gmail_signature\\"><div dir=\\"ltr\\"><div><div dir=\\"ltr\\"><div>Thanks &amp; Regards,</div><div>Dinesh Kumar M.</div></div></div></div></div></div></body></html>",
"cc": "[email protected]",
"bcc": "[email protected]",
"add_signature": true

The above request yields a response code

Response Status Code Array

200 OK: Email added to the queue, will be sent out soon!

Fetch Campaign Statistics By Campaign Id

This endpoint fetches campaign statistics using the campaign’s ID

API Reference 🛬 GET

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/{campaign_id}/statistics?api_key={API_KEY}&offset={number}&limit={number}>

email_sequence_number={number} // 1,2,3,4
email_status={string} // possible values -> 'opened' or 'clicked' or 'replied' or 'unsubscribed' or 'bounced'

The above request yields an array of JSONs like below

Response - List of <stats_result_data> schema

  "total_stats": "419",
  "data": [
      "lead_name": "Charles Newson",
      "lead_email": "[email protected]",
      "lead_category": null,
      "sequence_number": 1,
      "email_campaign_seq_id": 1178,
      "seq_variant_id": 129,
      "email_subject": "Smartlead - Charles",
      "email_message": "<p>Hey Charles!</p>",
      "sent_time": "2022-08-02T12:49:11.747Z",
      "open_time": null,
      "click_time": null,
      "reply_time": null,
      "open_count": 0,
      "click_count": 0,
      "is_unsubscribed": false,
      "is_bounced": false
  "offset": 0,
  "limit": 1

Fetch Campaign Statistics By Campaign Id And Date Range

This endpoint fetches campaign statistics using the campaign’s ID

API Reference 🛬 GET

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/3745/analytics-by-date?api_key={API_KEY}&start_date=2022-12-16&end_date=2022-12-23>

The above request yields an array of JSONs like below

Response - List of <stats_result_data> schema

	"id": 3745,
	"user_id": 2,
	"created_at": "2022-11-21T15:21:58.042Z",
	"status": "ACTIVE",
	"name": "Sai | General",
	"start_date": "2022-12-16",
	"end_date": "2022-12-23",
	"sent_count": "4375",
	"open_count": "745",
	"click_count": "2",
	"reply_count": "11",
	"block_count": "0",
	"total_count": "84777",
	"drafted_count": "62392",
	"bounce_count": "289",
	"unsubscribed_count": "0"

Error response: (400 Bad Request)

"error": "Invalid start_date & end_date range. Date difference should be max of 30days."
"error": "Invalid campaign id'"

Fetch campaign top level analytics

This endpoint returns a campaigns top level analytics

API Reference 🛬 GET

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/{campaign_id}/analytics?api_key=${API_KEY}>

The above request yields a JSON with the below format

Response <campaign_analytics> schema

"id": 979,
"user_id": 288,
"created_at": "2022-08-29T06:15:31.458Z",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"name": "",

// email stats
"sent_count": "14",
"open_count": "14",
"click_count": "0",
"reply_count": "4",
"block_count": "0",
"total_count": "14",
"drafted_count": "0",
"bounce_count": "0",
"unsubscribed_count": "0",

// total no of sequences
"sequence_count": "2",

// tags
"tags": [
"id": 44,
"name": "ramesh",
"color": "#FCB1D0"

// total unique lead open count
"unique_open_count": "7",
// total unique clicks
"unique_click_count": "8",
// total leads reached at this point
"unique_sent_count": "10",
// client id
"client_id": 6,
"client_name": "Alex James",
"client_email": "[email protected]"

// parent campaign id (if request campaign-id is sub-sequence)
"parent_campaign_id": null,

// campaign lead stats
"campaign_lead_stats": {
"total": 8,
"blocked": 0,
"stopped": 0,
"completed": 8,
"inprogress": 0,
"notStarted": 0

Add leads to a campaign by ID

This endpoint adds leads to a campaign using the campaign’s ID

API Reference 🛫 POST

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/{campaign_id}/leads?api_key={API_KEY}>
--data '{"lead_list": List<lead_input> *(max 100 leads)}'

In the above List<lead_input> is an array of JSON objects that look like this:

  lead_list: [
			"first_name": "Cristiano"
			"last_name": "Ronaldo"
			"email": "[email protected]"
			"phone_number": 0239392029
			"company_name": "Manchester United"
			"website": "mufc.com"
			"location": "London"
			"custom_fields": {"Title": "Regional Manager", "First_Line": "Loved your recent post about remote work on Linkedin" } // max 20 fields
			"linkedin_profile": "<http://www.linkedin.com/in/cristianoronaldo>"
			"company_url": "mufc.com"
	"settings": {
    "ignore_global_block_list": true, // true ignores leads uploaded in the lead list that are part of your global/client level block list
    "ignore_unsubscribe_list": true, // true ignores leads uploaded in the lead list that have unsubsribed previously
    "ignore_duplicate_leads_in_other_campaign": false // false allows leads to be added to this campaign even if they exist in another campaign

The above request yields the below JSON

Response - <add_leads_response> schema

 "ok": true
 "upload_count": 240
 "total_leads": 400
 "already_added_to_campaign": 200
 "duplicate_count": 150 // duplicate emails
 "invalid_email_count": 40 // invalid formatted emails
 "unsubscribed_leads": 10 // leads that previously unsubscribed from your outreach

Resume Lead By Campaign ID

This endpoint resumes a lead from a campaign based on the lead and campaign ID

API Reference 🛫 POST

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/{campaign_id}/leads/{lead_id}/resume?api_key={API_KEY}>
--body {“resume_lead_with_delay_days”: 10} // resume_lead_with_delay_days can be null and defaults to 0

The above request yields a success/failure JSON

Response - <resume_lead_response> schema


Pause Lead By Campaign ID

This endpoint pauses a lead from a campaign based on the lead and campaign ID

API Reference 🛫 POST

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/{campaign_id}/leads/{lead_id}/pause?api_key={API_KEY}>

The above request yields a success/failure JSON

Response - <pause_lead_response> schema


Delete Lead By Campaign ID

This endpoint deletes a lead from a campaign based on the lead and campaign ID

API Reference 🛫 DELETE

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/{campaign_id}/leads/{lead_id}?api_key={API_KEY}>

The above request yields a success/failure JSON

Response - <delete_lead_response> schema

	"ok": true

Unsubscribe/Pause Lead From Campaign

This endpoint unsubscribe a lead from a campaign based on the lead and campaign ID. Think of this as a “pause”

API Reference 🛫 POST

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/${campaign_id}/leads/${lead_id}/unsubscribe?api_key={API_KEY}>

The above request yields a success/failure JSON

Response - <unsubscribe_lead_repsonse> schema

	"ok": true

Unsubscribe Lead From All Campaigns

This endpoint unsubscribe a lead from all campaigns the lead belongs to and prevents it from being added to any future campaigns

API Reference 🛫 POST

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/leads/${lead_id}/unsubscribe?api_key=${API_KEY}>

The above request yields a success/failure JSON

Response - <unsubscribe_lead_global_repsonse> schema

200 OK {"ok":true}

404 NOT FOUND {"error": "Lead not found - Invalid lead_id."}

Add Lead/Domain to Globlal Block List

This endpoint adds a lead/domain to the global block list

API Reference 🛫 POST

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/leads/add-domain-block-list?api_key=API_KEY>
--data {
	"domain_block_list": ["[email protected]", "apple.com"],
	"client_id": null // add client_id number if the domains/emails being added is client specific

The above request yields a success/failure JSON

Response - <unsubscribe_lead_repsonse> schema


Update lead using the Lead ID

This endpoint lets you update a lead using the lead ID

API Reference 🛫 POST

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/{campaign_id}/leads/{lead_id}?api_key={API_KEY}>
--data <lead_input>

In the above <lead_input> is a JSON object that look like this:

		"first_name": "Cristiano"
		"last_name": "Ronaldo"
		"email": "[email protected]"
		"phone_number": 0239392029
		"company_name": "Manchester United"
		"website": "mufc.com"
		"location": "London"
		"custom_fields": {"Title": "Regional Manager", "First_Line": "Loved your recent post about remote work on Linkedin" } // max 20 fields
		"linkedin_profile": "<http://www.linkedin.com/in/cristianoronaldo>"
		"company_url": "mufc.com"

The above request yields a JSON like below

Response - <update_lead_repsonse> schema

	"ok": true

Update a lead’s category based on their campaign

This endpoint lets you update your leads category based on the campaign they belong to

API Reference 🛫 POST

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/${campaign_id}/leads/${lead_id}/category?api_key=${API_KEY}>
--data {
  "category_id": 143,
	"pause_lead": true // pause_lead would default to false if not added

The above request yields a JSON like below

Response - <update_category_repsonse> schema

	"ok": true

Patch campaign status

This endpoint changes the status of a campaign

API Reference 🛫 POST

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/${<campaign_id>}/status?api_key={API_KEY}>
--data '{"status": "PAUSED"}' // ENUM (PAUSED / STOPPED / START)

The above request yields a success/failure JSON

Response - <update_campaign_status_repsonse> schema

	"ok": true

Fetch Webhooks By Campaign ID

This endpoint lets fetch all the webhooks associated to a campaign using the campaign ID

API Reference 🛬 GET

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/><campaign-id>/webhooks?api_key=${API_KEY}

The above request yields success/failure response

Response - List of <campaign_webhook>

	"id": 44,
	"name": "Dinesh Testing lead category webhook",
	"created_at": "2022-09-14T05:08:55.018Z",
	"updated_at": "2022-10-31T11:44:35.812Z",
	"webhook_url": "<https://webhook.site/8222f684-0cf6-43ac-9360-28227fc36d32>",
	"email_campaign_id": 2180,
	"event_types": [
	"categories": [

Possible webhook event types


Error404 - NOT FOUND

{"error":"Campaign not found - Invalid campaign_id."}

Add / Update Campaign Webhook

This endpoint add’s a webhook to a campaign or alternatively lets you update a webhook

To add a webhook please leave the “id” empty, or as null

API Reference 🛫 POST

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/><campaign-id>/webhooks?api_key=${API_KEY}
--data {
	  "id": 217, // set id to null to create a new webhook
	  "name": "Ramesh testing 1",
	  "webhook_url": "<https://webhook.site/8222f684-0cf6-43ac-9360-28227fc36d32>",
	  "event_types": [
	"categories": [

The above request yields success/failure response

Response - <campaign_webhook>

	"ok": true,
	"name": "Dinesh Testing lead category webhook",
	"webhook_url": "<https://webhook.site/8222f684-0cf6-43ac-9360-28227fc36d32>",
	"email_campaign_id": 2180,
	"event_types": [
	"categories": [

Error400 - BAD REQUEST

{"error":"Invalid webhook_url - {webhookUrl}"}

{"error":"Invalid event_types - {eachEventType}"}

{"error":"Invalid category - {eachCategory}"}

Delete Campaign Webhook

This endpoint deletes a webhook from a campaign

API Reference 🛫 DELETE

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/campaigns/><campaign-id>/webhooks?api_key=${API_KEY}
--data {
	 "id": 217 //webhook ID

The above request yields success/failure response

Response - <campaign_webhook>

"ok": true

Add Client To System (Whitelabel or not)

This endpoint lets you add new clients to your system

API Reference 🛫 POST

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/client/save?api_key={API_KEY}>
--data {
  "name": "Ramesh Kumar",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "permission": [
  "logo": "SmartGen Outreach",
  "logo_url": null,
  "password": "Test1234!"

Note**to provide full access permission set

"permission": [ "full_access" ]

The above request yields success/failure response


	"ok": true,
	"clientId": 299,
	"name": "Ramesh Kumar",
	"email": "[email protected]",
	"password": "Test1234!"

Fetch all clients

This endpoint lets you fetch all clients attached to your account

API Reference 🛫 GET

GET <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/client/?api_key={API_KEY}>

The above request yields success/failure response


"id": 6,
"name": "Ramesh Cleint",
"email": "[email protected]",
"uuid": "1e19fcb7-6651-444a-8495-e1a4bda16611",
"created_at": "2022-08-25T04:24:04.656Z",
"user_id": 288,
"logo": null,
"logo_url": null,
"client_permision": {
"permission": [
"retricted_category": [],
"id": 298,
"name": "Ramesh Kumar",
"email": "[email protected]",
"uuid": "d86864b6-c6aa-4ca8-970c-01be63494322",
"created_at": "2022-11-25T14:29:04.742Z",
"user_id": 288,
"logo": "SmartGen Outreach",
"logo_url": "",
"client_permision": {
"permission": [
"retricted_category": [],

Reconnect failed email accounts

This endpoint lets you bulk reconnect disconnected email accounts.

Rate limited to 3 times in a 24 hour period

API Reference 🛫 POST

curl <https://server.smartlead.ai/api/v1/email-accounts/reconnect-failed-email-accounts?api_key={API_KEY}>

The above request yields success/failure response


{ ok: true, message: 'Email account(s) added to the queue to reconnect. We will send you an email once completed.' }


{ ok: true, message: 'Bulk reconnect API cannot be consumed more than 3 times a day' }

Error - Not Found

{ ok: true, message: 'No failed email account found!' }
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