How to do A/B testing with Smartlead?

How to do A/B testing in Smartlead

A/B testing is crucial for businesses to test email variables to find the best-performing one for outreach. 

You can now perform A/B testing with the AI Auto Adjust A/B Testing feature at Smartlead and drive up revenue for your business through booked meetings.

There are three ways you can leverage Smartlead’s A/B Testing system. Before you start testing your email variations, make sure: 

  • Set up your email account in the Smartlead app with SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and MX records. 

  • Warmup your inbox for at least two weeks. 

How to Do A/B Testing with Smartlead? 

Step 1

Click on “Add Campaign” button. 

Step 2

Upload a CSV file or import your lead list from CRM. 

Step 3

Compose the first variable. Now, click on the “Add Variant” button. 

For example, you want to test 5 variables. It will look like this. 

Now, for A/B testing, you can choose either of the 3 methods of doing it. Let’s take a look on how you can do it. 

Manual Equal Distribution 

In this case, you don’t need to do anything else. Once you run the campaign, it will equally distribute the variants across all leads. 

Click on the “A/B Configuration” button. 

In the popup “A/B Testing Settings”, you don’t need to do anything. The default settings will be “Manual Distribution” and “Split the variant percentage equally”. Click on “Save Manual Distribution”. And you are done. 

Manual Distribution with Variant Percentage Allocation 

In this scenario, you can manually allocate the percentage distribution on a sequence variant level.

Remember, for this method, you can choose up to 10 variants at a time, as we saw from experiments a minimum of a 10% pool is needed to make an effective decision in finding the best-performing A/B variant. Let’s see how you can do it:  

Click on the “A/B Configuration” button, once you’ve added the variants. 

In the popup “A/B Testing Settings”, keep the default setting “Manual Distribution” and click on “Split the variant percentage equally”. 

Now, manually set the percentage distribution. And click on “Save Manual Distribution”. 

AI Percentage Distribution 

In this case, you need to add the winning metric (Reply rate, Positive Reply rate, Click rate, or Open rate) that matters for the campaign. Based on this selection, Smartlead will determine which variant is the winner and send it to the remaining percentage of recipients.

Lead Sample Percentage: The percentage of the uploaded lead list you want to be used for testing variants. 

Let’s get going: 

In the “A/B testing Settings”, click on “AI percentage Distribution”. 

Now, from the bar, choose the desired variation distribution percentage from 10% to 80%. 

Now, under the “Choose Winning Metrics”, choose the desired metric for the campaign. And click on “Save AI Percentage Distribution”. 

You are done. Launch the campaign monitor performance metrics and strategically use the findings in your campaigns. 

Reach out to our Customer Support Team for further assistance. 

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