Step-by-step guide on how to use n8n and Smartlead automation effectively

This article will be your comprehensive guide to harnessing the combined power of n8n, an open-source workflow automation tool, and Smartlead.

In this guide, we'll explore how n8n and Smartlead can be effectively paired to automate workflows, providing you with a step-by-step roadmap to enhance your productivity.

Popular ways you can use n8n and Smartlead for creating automated workflows


  • To use Smartlead with n8n, you can either create Webhooks or use the API key to connect with n8n. The API key is only available for Smartlead Pro Plan users.

  • You’ll have to create nodes in n8n for the specific apps you are using, along with Smartlead. 

Popular ways to use Smartlead and n8n integration:

a) Connect GP3 and Smartlead

By integrating GPT-3 with Smartlead in n8n, you can intelligently classify email responses, enabling automated actions based on the nature of the response.

Workflow steps: 

For this, you will first need to add a GPT-3 node to your workflow to utilize the language model for classifying email responses. (check the workflow diagram)

  • Conditional Nodes:

Create conditional nodes following the GPT-3 classification. Set up separate paths in the workflow for each category (interested, OOO, unsubscription).

  • Slack Alert Node (Interested Leads):

For leads classified as interested, integrate a Slack alert node to send immediate notifications to your Slack channel. This ensures your team is promptly informed when a lead expresses interest.

  • Task Creation Node (OOO Responses):

For leads marked as out-of-office, incorporate a task creation node to generate tasks within your task management system automatically. This ensures follow-ups are appropriately timed based on the lead's availability.

  • Lead Unsubscription Node (Unsubscription Requests):

Integrate a node to initiate the unsubscription process automatically for leads requesting to unsubscribe. 

b) Google Sheet and Smarlead

In this workflow, you can seamlessly find and verify emails, enrich your contact data from a Google Sheet with Dropcontact, and add them to Smartlead.

Workflow Steps:

  • Start Node: The start node is automatically generated when you create a new workflow and serves as the initial point of the automation.

  • Google Sheet Node: Utilize this node to retrieve all the records from your Google Sheet. This step ensures that you have access to the latest and most relevant contact information.

  • Dropcontact Node: This node plays a crucial role in finding verified email addresses for your contacts and enriching their data, making it easier to establish effective communication.

  • Smartlead Node: This node is responsible for seamlessly adding a contact to an existing campaign within the Smartlead platform.

Here’s what this workflow will look like in n8n:

c) Add New Leads in Smartlead from Airtable Using n8n

This workflow guides you through the process of seamlessly adding new leads to Smartlead from Airtable using n8n. By integrating Airtable and Smartlead nodes, you can efficiently import and manage leads in your Smartlead campaigns.

Workflow Steps:

  • Airtable Node: The Airtable node serves as the starting point, listing all the emails stored in your Airtable Table. You may have the email addresses stored in various sources like a Google Sheet, CRM, or database. Utilize the Airtable node to retrieve the list of email addresses.

  • Smartlead Node: The Smartlead node is instrumental in creating new leads within Smartlead campaigns, utilizing the information obtained from the previous node (Airtable or the respective source).

  • Smartlead Information Node: The Smartlead Information node retrieves detailed information about a lead from Smartlead. This information can be useful for further customization or analysis within your workflow.


The above are just a few ways you can use Smartlead and n8n integration. Similarly, you can create specific workflows according to your requirements with practically any third-party app you use for your business. 

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