How to verify your lead list using Smartlead?

How to verify your lead list using Smartlead

Smartlead's Email Verification immediately identifies invalid emails and unknown emails in your lead list. Protect your campaigns, and improve deliverability, and outreach at scale with an email verification feature. 

Email verification is an add-on service starting from 6000 credits for $15 USD and you can buy more credits as per your requirements. 

How to verify emails in your lead list? Here’s a step-by-step breakdown:

1. Add a New Campaign on Smartlead > Select a CSV file to import > Map fields and click on “Save & Next”

2. On the popup window, click on “Launch Verification & Proceed” to start email verification. 

3. The verification might take some time, depending on the size of the CSV file. Meanwhile, you can create the campaign. You will get a notification once the verification is completed. 

4. Once the verification is completed, you can check the full report. 

  1. Now you can launch your campaign or save it as a draft. If you launch the campaign after verification, Smartlead will send emails only to valid and catch all leads.

6. You can download the verified lead list from the “Import Lead” tab as a separate CSV file as well. 

Note: You cannot verify leads once a campaign is live. It’s best you set up a new campaign and use the email verification tool. 

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