Deleting a Campaign Lead List in Bulk

Easily delete a campaign lead list in bulk in Smartlead. Streamline lead management and remove multiple leads from a campaign efficiently.

  • Navigate to the Email campaign tab > click on the specific email campaign where you want to delete the lead list.

  • Go to the Lead List tab of the campaign.

  • To delete all the leads associated with the email campaign, look for the option to delete all leads at the top of the lead list page. Click on this option, and all the leads associated with the email campaign will be deleted.

  • You can delete all leads or select leads manually and delete the selected leads from the campaign.

  • If you don't want to delete all the leads associated with the email campaign, you can select specific leads manually and delete them. To do this, look for the option to select leads next to each lead's name. Once you've selected all the leads you want to delete, Click on this option Delete selected leads from the top of the lead list page, and the selected leads will be deleted.

    Refer to the screenshot for reference:

    If leads are deleted, and any pending/drafted sequence will not be sent.
    But our system will maintain all the stats related to the leads for that campaign.

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