Enhanced AI Categorisation for OOO Leads

Enhanced AI categorization for Out of Office leads re-evaluates follow-up emails based on content, ensuring accurate categorization and preventing important emails from being missed.

We have enhanced our AI categorization process for leads marked as Out of Office (OOO) to ensure that you don’t miss any important emails. This feature ensures that follow-up emails to OOO leads are accurately categorized, even if the lead initially responded with an OOO message.

What Does This Feature Do?

Previously, if a lead was marked as OOO, any subsequent replies from that lead would still be categorized as OOO. This could cause users to overlook important responses, thinking they were still OOO replies. 

The new enhancement ensures that only leads initially marked as OOO will have their follow-up emails re-evaluated by the AI categorization. If the lead responds again, the AI will re-categorize the email based on its content.

Here are the benefits of enhanced lead categorization for OOO leads: 

  • It ensures that follow-up emails from OOO leads are accurately categorized.

  • Enhanced lead categorization for OOO leads helps prevent important emails from being overlooked due to incorrect OOO categorization.

  • Leverages AI to continuously provide accurate lead categorization based on the latest email content.

How Does the Feature Work? 

When a lead is marked as OOO, the AI categorization will rerun for any follow-up emails from that lead. This ensures accurate categorization of follow-up emails based on their content.

  • If a lead sends a follow-up email after being marked as OOO, the AI will analyze the new email to determine its correct category.

  • If the follow-up email is not an OOO response, the AI will update the lead's status accordingly, preventing important emails from being missed.

How to Enable the Feature

This feature is automatically enabled for all users. No additional settings or configurations are required.

Here’s an example scenario to help you understand better: 

1. Initial OOO Reply: A lead responds with an OOO message and is marked as OOO.

2. Subsequent Response: The same lead sends a follow-up email, which may contain important information.

3. AI Re-Categorization: The AI re-evaluates the follow-up email. If the follow-up email is not an OOO message, the lead's status is updated accordingly, ensuring the response is not missed.

Detailed Step-by-Step Workflow

1. Lead Marked as OOO: The lead initially replies with an OOO message and is categorized as OOO by the AI.

2. Follow-Up Email from Lead: The lead sends another email after the initial OOO response.

3. AI Re-Categorization: The AI analyzes the follow-up email. And if the follow-up email indicates the lead is no longer OOO, the lead's status is updated based on the new email content.

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