Webhook not sending triggers

You may find that at times my webhook doesn't trigger or it is missing to send the notifications- Here's a detailed information on how webhook works with Smartlead.

You must be wondering that I've setup web-hook however My webhook is not sending the triggers when the event such as reply, bounced, clicked, lead category update has been made yet the the webhook is not getting triggered. First I would like to explain on how webhook setup works with smartlead, please find the below,

Regardless of the number of webhook settings configured, we will only send notifications for two types: one for Slack and the other for Normal. The priority algorithm logic is outlined below: Priority Cases:

  • PI: User

  • P2: Client

  • P3: Campaign

Case 1:If a user has a user-level webhook configured, notifications will be sent to that URL. However, if the user desires webhook notifications at the client level,

Please note: If a user-level webhook exists, client or campaign-level webhooks will not function.

Case 2: Last Update Priority

  • For users with multiple user-level webhooks, we will select the last updated one.

  • For users with multiple client-level webhooks, we will also select the last updated one.

The same logic applies to campaigns:

  • If a customer has multiple campaign-level webhooks (without user or client level), we will choose the last updated one.

FYI- Avoid setting up multiple webhooks for the same campaign or client. Instead, use a single webhook per campaign or client that can handle multiple events. If you configure a user-level webhook at the same time as a campaign or client-level webhook, conflicts may arise. Typically, user-level webhooks take precedence, which can result in some triggers being overlooked or skipped for the specific campaign or client. To ensure smooth operation and avoid missed triggers, streamline your webhook setup by not having multiple webhook for same client/campaign.

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