What Is Sending Throttling In SmartDelivery?

Learn what is sending throttling in SmartDelivery deliverability test.

Sending throttling in SmartDelivery is a powerful feature that allows you to control the rate at which your emails are sent to different providers during a deliverability test. 

This is particularly useful when you want to simulate real-world sending conditions, ensuring that your email campaigns maintain high deliverability while avoiding triggering spam filters.

How Does Sending Throttling Work?

With sending throttling, you can choose between two main options for sending your test emails:

  1. Simultaneous Sending:

This option sends all emails to different providers at once, providing faster test results. It’s useful when you want a quick overview of your email's deliverability across different providers in a short period.

  1. Sequential Sending (Throttled):

In this option, emails are sent out sequentially with a set interval between each email. For example, you can choose to send one email every 5 or 10 minutes. This approach mimics slower, more natural sending patterns, which can help avoid triggering spam filters that flag sudden spikes in email traffic.

Important Considerations for Automatic Tests

If you're running an automatic spam test, it's essential to carefully configure both the test frequency and the sending throttle rate to avoid conflicts.

For instance:

  • If your automatic test is set to run every 3 hours but you’ve selected a throttle limit of sending one email every 10 minutes, you may receive a warning message. This is because the system will need enough time to complete the first test before starting a new one. If the test frequency is too frequent, the first test might still be ongoing, causing delays or interruptions.

To avoid issues:

  • Make sure your test frequency aligns with the throttle limit you’ve set, giving the system enough time to send all emails sequentially before starting the next test.

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