Multi-Name Selection for SmartSenders

Learn how multi-name selection works for SmartSenders with detailed walkthrough.

Users can now assign multiple first and last names to mailboxes before finalizing their purchase. This update provides flexibility and control, reducing the need for post-purchase name change requests and streamlining mailbox assignments.

What’s New?

Previously, you had to request manual name changes after purchasing domains. Now, you can:

  • Select multiple first and last names for mailboxes before making a purchase.

  • Assign different names to different domains.

  • Ensure all domains have at least one assigned persona before proceeding.

  • Edit and review assigned names before finalizing the order.

How It Works

1. Selecting Names for Mailboxes

  • Navigate to the Email Accounts section and click on Add Accounts » SmartSenders » Type in desired domain name » Save & Next.

  • Now you are directed to the Create Email Accounts section. Now you can add multiple first and last names.

You can apply multiple personas (first name, last name, and profile picture) to multiple domains. You can check in the next screenshot.

The system will evenly distribute mailboxes among the selected names. Remember, you can change the first and last name before purchasing.

Now click on Review Order to finalize your order.

This update is now live! Go to SmartSenders and set up your mailbox names before making a purchase. If you have any feedback or need assistance, let us know.

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