Data Command Failed: 550 5.4.5 Daily User Sending Quota Exceeded

Error 550 5.4.5: Daily user sending quota exceeded. Learn how to resolve this email sending issue and optimize your communication."

If you exceed Gmail's daily sending limit, you may encounter the error message “550 5.4.5 Daily sending quota exceeded,” as shown in the screenshot below.

Exceeding the daily quota indicates that you have reached the maximum number of emails your account can send in a day.

To address this issue, you can try the following solutions:

  1. Wait for 24 Hours: Pause sending emails for 24 hours to allow your account's daily sending limit to reset.

  2. Upgrade Your Email Plan: Consider upgrading your email plan to increase your daily sending quota. Contact your email provider to explore available options.

  3. Reduce Daily Email Volume: Decrease the number of emails you send each day. You can send emails in smaller batches or spread them out over time to stay within the daily limit.

If you are sending fewer emails but still facing this error, consider the following possible causes:

  • Bounced Emails: Google may temporarily suspend your account if a significant number of your emails bounce back or are sent to inactive addresses.

  • Spam Reports: If recipients mark your emails as spam, you may need to revise or improve your email content.

  • High Sending Frequency: Sending too many emails in a short period, even if the total volume is low, can trigger this error. Adjust your sending frequency accordingly.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue and resume sending emails. 😊

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