I updated my sequence delay, but follow-ups are not sending.

Troubleshoot follow-up email issues after updating sequence delay. Ensure proper configuration to enable timely sending of follow-up emails.

Take this scenario:

Campaign with 3 sequences

Sequence 1 Start 7th March

Sequence 2: Delay by 3 days

Sequence 3: Delay by 10 days

Upload 100 leads all sent out on 7th March.

These leads are now in "transition" to Sequence 2, meaning they've entered the wait period and their delay cycle has been set.

If you change Sequence 2 to Delay by 1 day, this will not effect any leads in this "transition" or wait period.

However if you change Sequence 3 Delay to 15 days, it will be fine for all the leads, as no lead has yet reached the "wait" period between Sequence 2 and 3.

If you upload 100 new leads, they will all follow your new updated sequence

Sequence 1 Start 7th March

Sequence 2: Delay by 1 day

Sequence 3: Delay by 15 days

In short, any lead that enters the "transition" or "wait" period is not automatically updated. You can message us when you do. such changes and want updates, we can get it done for you.

Hope this makes sense, to reiterate it is only for transition leads where updated sequence delays aren't updated, for ALL other leads they are updated

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