All the custom powerful personalisation variables/custom variables you can use in Smartlead

Explore Smartlead's custom variables for powerful personalization. Create targeted campaigns with extensive personalization options

Smartlead offers powerful variables that push the edge of personalization so you can stand out from the rest of the crowd.

Here's a list of these variables and what they represent.

Add that extra spice of personalization to make your lead feel like this email is just for them by highlighting the time at which you're sending the email along with the day as well.

Change your emails from "Hey {{firstName}}" to: "Good morning Jane" or "Happy Friday, Don."

This induces the customer into believing you've handwritten the email a couple of moments ago when all you did was add one variable and automate the entire experience.

So how do you do this?

Simple steps:

To add time of day, simply add this to your copy

Good {{sl_time_of_day}}

This will convert to Good morning, Good afternoon or Good evening based on when the email is sent our specific to the campaign timezone you selected. The daytime segments are set up as below.

  • For emails sent before 12PM will say Morning

  • Emails sent between 12 PM to 3 PM will say Afternoon

  • Emails sent after 3 PM will say Evening

    Refer to the screenshot for reference:

    Final review:

Note: Always check if the variables are showing properly in the final review
Similarly to add day of week simply add this to your copy

Happy {{sl_day_of_week}}
This will convert to Happy Monday, Happy Tuesday, etc.

Refer to the screenshot:

Final review:

Note: Make sure there are no gaps between the brackets {{}} and sl_time_of_day or sl_day_of_week
In a similar fashion, you can always add custom dates to try to book a time or meeting with your lead.

{{sl_date "10 minutes from now" "dddd, MMMM Do YYYY"}} -> Thursday, January 19th 2023

{{sl_date "2 days from now" "MMMM Do YYYY"}} -> Jan 21st 2023

Refer to the screenshot below:

Final review:

Similarly, you can try all the below variables:
1) adds 2 days from now
{{sl_date "2Days"}} '21 Jan 2023'

2) subtracts 2days from now
{{sl_date "2Days ago"}} '17 Jan 2023'

3) adds 2days from now in specific format
{{sl_date "2Days" "Do MMM"}} '21st Jan'

4) adds 2week from now
{{sl_date "2week"}} '02 Feb 2023'

5) adds 2month from now
{{sl_date "2month"}} '19 Mar 2023'

6) adds 2 years from now
{{sl_date "2year"}} '19 Jan 2025'

*** if you want to only do weekdays, aka if you do {{sl_date "2Days" "Do MMM"}} and 2 days from now is a weekend, you can "Skip" weekends by adding now_wd as below:

{{sl_date "now_wd 2Days" "Do MMM"}} where wd refers "weekday"

We use Moment JS as the library for formatting; feel free to explore different formats here

This makes it very fluid to send forward/backward dates to your lead.

Other variables you might want to use


This will dynamically place the signature at different places in the body using the tag; else, it'll be attached to the bottom of the body.


This will dynamically place the name of the sending mailbox into the body of the copy using the tag. Use this if you don't want to use your mailbox signature.


This will dynamically place the First Name of the sending mailbox into the body of the copy using the tag. Use this if you don't want to use your mailbox signature.


This will dynamically place the domain of the sending mailbox into the body of the copy using the tag.


This will dynamically place the sender mailbox into the body of the copy using the tag.


This will dynamically place the campaign id into the body of the copy using the tag.

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