What is custom domain tracking and how to set it up with Smartlead?

Custom domain tracking in Smartlead allows you to monitor and analyze email engagement on your own domain.

Custom domain tracking setup:

clicks and open rates depends on a small snippet of html being injected into your email body. This is industry standard. Whilst it makes for good analytics sometimes people may see drops in their campaigns deliverability.

This is due to the same “tracking” domain being used across 1000s of campaigns setup by all the users of the cold emailing software. ESPs (email service providers) are smart to understand that there’s millions of emails being opened and they’re all sending “requests” to the same “tracking url”. This may* cause a slight drop in your deliverability.

So what’s the fix? Simple.

You trick the ESP by “masking” the tracking url with your own.

Step 1:

Add a new email account / open an existing email account within smartlead

Scroll down to Custom tracking domain

Step 2:

Open your domain management tool e.g Godaddy, Namecheap, Crazydomains etc

Head over to the DNS management section

In your Host Records section add in a CNAME with the following

Type: CNAME Record

Host: emailtracking

Value: open.sleadtrack.com

TTL: Automatic

Once this is done, wait for 30 mins to 24 hour to be bubbled to your account.

Now head over to your app and paste the full url into the text field like below in this format


In my case my domain is [getsmartwriter.co](http://getsmartwriter.co) and my host is emailtracking

Verify Your CNAME Tracking

If you’ve done thing’s right. Click on the “Verify CNAME” button. It’ll take you to a nslookup.io link.

If underneath the “Canonical name” it says “**open.sleadtrack.com**”, then you did it right.

Domain Tracking Tips

Combined tracking / Account level Tracking

If you have an aged domain, or a domain with good reputation, you can use that single domain for tracking, instead of setting up a custom tracking per email domain.

For e.g, if you have a well reputed / old domain named smartlead.com, you can do the CNAME process (listed above) to that domain and use [emailtracking.smartlead.com](http://emailtracking.smartlead.com) across all the mailboxes in your Smartlead account.

So [email protected], [email protected] etc will all have tracking point to emailtracking.smartlead.com

This works well if you’re working with clients too, where you can condense tracking to a single domain.

Individual Tracking

If you’re running experiments, starting off fresh or want to build up the authority across multiple domains you can set up individual tracking per domain. Unlike the above configuration where a common tracking is shared across all your mailboxes, in this case you can have it siloed per account.

Using the above example:

For v@[usesmartlead.com](http://usesmartlead.com) the usesmartlead.com domain will need to have a CNAME configuration for emailtracking pointing to open.sleadtrack.com

For [email protected] the getsmartlead.com domain will need to have a CNAME configuration for emailtracking pointing to open.sleadtrack.com

So on and so forth

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