Data export options in Smartlead

Smartlead provides you with detailed data on various levels. Explore the different data points available in Smartlead's data exports.

Data is crucial for analyzing the performance of your email campaigns, and Smartlead provides you with detailed data on various levels. In this article, we will explore the different data points available in Smartlead's data exports and how you can use them to gain insights into your campaigns.

Campaign Dashboard Data:

In your campaigns dashboard, you have access to the following data points:

  1. Sent: This shows the total number of emails sent in your campaign.

  2. Opened: This indicates how many unique leads have opened your emails.

  3. Clicked: This shows the number of links that have been clicked in your emails, relative to the number of opens.

  4. Replied: This indicates how many replies you have received based on the number of opens.

  5. Interested: This shows the number of leads who have responded positively to your messages.

Campaign Level Data:

You can further drill down into campaign level data, which includes:

  1. Unsubscribed: This shows how many leads have unsubscribed from your email sequences.

  2. Bounced: This indicates how many leads have bounced, meaning the emails you sent to them were not delivered.

Lead Data Export:

Smartlead allows you to export lead data from the Campaign > Lead list > Filter > Download as CSV. Here, you can filter leads based on two data points:

  1. Email Status: You can export leads based on their current stage in the campaign, such as "Not contacted yet," "In progress," "Completed," or "Stopped" (leads that have unsubscribed or been blocked mid-campaign).

  2. Lead Category: You can export leads based on the category you assigned them in the master inbox, allowing you to perform aggregations and analysis based on this category.

Inbox Data Export:

You can also export lead data from the Campaign > Inbox > Filter > Download as CSV. Here, you can filter leads based on two data points:

  1. Email Sequence: You can filter leads based on the stage they are in within the email sequence, such as "Step 1," "Step 2," and so on.

  2. Email Status: You can filter leads based on their email activity, including "Opened," "Clicked," "Replied," "Unsubscribed," or "Bounced."

The CSV export will contain the following data points:

  • Lead Name: The name of the lead.

  • Lead Email: The email address of the lead.

  • Sequence Number: The current sequence the lead is on.

  • Sent Email: The specific email that was sent to the lead in the sequence.

  • Sent Time: The time the last email was sent.

  • Opened Time: The time the email was opened, if applicable.

  • Clicked Time: The time a link in the email was clicked, if applicable.

  • Replied Time: The time the email was replied to, if applicable.

  • Reply Message: The content of the reply, if applicable.

  • Open Count: The number of times the email was opened.

  • Click Count: The number of times links within the email were clicked.

  • Is Unsubscribed: Indicates if the lead has unsubscribed.

By exporting and analyzing these data points, you can gain valuable insights into the performance of your email campaigns in Smartlead, allowing you to make data-driven decisions to optimize your outreach strategies.

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