How do Follow ups work in Smartlead

Smartlead's 'Follow ups' feature automates sequential email communication. Learn how to setup & optimize follow-up sequences.

If you have uploaded a lead list to Campaign A with Email B and Email C attached to it, it's important to understand how the email limits and campaign settings work together to determine the number of emails that will be sent out each day. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you understand the process:

Step 1: Campaign A Settings In Campaign A, you have set the campaign settings to allow for 100 new leads per day. This means that the campaign will send out a maximum of 100 emails to new leads each day.

Step 2: Email B and Email C Limits Both Email B and Email C have a limit of 40 emails per day each. This means that the total limit for both emails combined is 80 emails per day (40 + 40 = 80).

Step 3: Campaign Sequence In your campaign sequence, you have set up 3 emails - Email 1, Email 2 (1 day later), and Email 3 (2 days later). This means that the campaign will send out these emails according to the specified schedule.

Step 4: Campaign Execution When you start the campaign, the system will first adhere to the follow-up schedule and send out any follow-up emails that are due based on the time elapsed since the previous email. This is why on Day 1, 80 follow-up emails are sent, as the total limit for Email B and Email C is 80 emails per day.

On Day 2, the system will again send out 80 follow-up emails to adhere to the schedule. This is because the system first prioritizes the follow-up schedule over new leads.

On Day 3, the system will send out 20 new Email 1s, as there are 20 remaining new leads to be contacted based on the campaign's setting of 100 new leads per day.

The system will continue to adjust the number of emails sent based on the follow-up schedule, new leads, and email account limits, as well as the campaign's settings for maximum new leads per day.

It's important to note that our system constantly balances between follow-up schedules, new leads, email account limits, and campaign settings to ensure that the sending volume adheres to the specified limits and settings. By understanding how these factors work together, you can effectively manage your campaigns and ensure optimal email delivery.

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