Understanding Email Account Disconnection Reasons in Smartlead

Here are some common reasons why email accounts may get disconnected in Smartlead

If you are experiencing issues with your email accounts getting disconnected in Smartlead, there could be various reasons for this to happen. Understanding these reasons can help you identify and address the issues to ensure smooth and uninterrupted email sending. Here are some common reasons why email accounts may get disconnected in Smartlead:

  1. Increased frequency of sending: If you send emails at an increased frequency that exceeds the recommended limits set by Smartlead or the email provider, it can result in your email accounts getting disconnected. It's important to stay within the sending limits to avoid disruptions.

  2. Mails sent less than 10 minutes apart: Sending emails in quick succession, with intervals of less than 10 minutes between each email, can trigger spam filters and result in your email accounts getting disconnected. It's important to maintain an appropriate time gap between emails to avoid being flagged as spam.

  3. Sending more than 50 mails (warmup + outbound included): Sending a large volume of emails, including both warmup and outbound emails, can put a strain on your email accounts and may result in disconnection. It's important to manage your sending volume within the recommended limits.

  4. Increased frequency of your mails being reported as spam: If a high percentage of your emails are being reported as spam by recipients, it can result in your email accounts getting disconnected. It's important to review your email content and ensure that your emails comply with anti-spam guidelines to avoid being flagged as spam.

  5. High bounce rate (>5%) consistently for a few days: A consistently high bounce rate, where a large percentage of your emails are not delivered, can trigger email account disconnection. It's important to regularly monitor your bounce rates and clean your email lists to maintain a healthy email sending reputation.

  6. Previously burnt domain: If you are using a domain that has a history of poor email sending practices, it can result in email account disconnection. It's important to use a domain with a clean sending reputation to avoid disruptions.

  7. Moving from another mail service and suddenly sending volume: If you are transitioning from another mail service to Smartlead and suddenly sending a high volume of emails, it can trigger email account disconnection. It's important to gradually ramp up your sending volume to avoid overwhelming your email accounts.

  8. Moving from another mail warmup service and not ramping up: If you are transitioning from another mail warmup service to Smartlead and not gradually ramping up your sending volume, it can result in email account disconnection. It's important to follow the recommended warmup process in Smartlead to avoid disruptions.

  9. Sending emails before 2 weeks of warmup: If you start sending emails before completing the recommended warmup period of 2 weeks in Smartlead, it can result in email account disconnection. It's important to follow the warmup guidelines to establish a healthy email sending reputation.

  10. Sending emails from 2 different sender softwares (Smartlead + competitor) at the same time: Sending emails from multiple sender softwares at the same time can trigger email account disconnection. It's important to use only one sender software at a time to avoid conflicts.

  11. Uploading "pre-warmed" mailboxes from another software but not giving enough days on Smartlead's warmup IP infrastructure before sending out mails: If you upload pre-warmed mailboxes from another software to Smartlead but do not allow enough time for warmup on Smartlead's IP infrastructure, it can result in email account disconnection. It's important to follow the warmup process in Smartlead to ensure smooth email sending.

  12. Using mailbox across multiple campaigns and not setting the "minimum time gap" on a mailbox level: If you use a mailbox across multiple campaigns

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