How unique email opens are calculated on top level metrics

Unlock insights: Discover how unique email opens are calculated in top-level metrics. Accurately measure campaign performance.

  1. Sent Count: The total number of emails sent for all sequences in the campaign. In this case, as there are 4 sequences and 100 leads, the sent count would be 4 * 100 = 400.

  2. Open Count: The total number of times emails were opened across all sequences in the campaign. In this case, since lead A has opened all 4 emails, the open count would be 4.

  3. Unique Sent count: The count of unique leads who received at least one email across all sequences in the campaign. In this case, as lead A has received all 4 emails, the unique sent count would be 1, as it is based on the lead and not on the number of sequences.

  4. Unique Open Count: The count of unique leads who opened at least one email across all sequences in the campaign. In this case, as lead A has opened all 4 emails, the unique open count would be 1, as it is based on the lead and not on the number of sequences.

It's important to note that the unique sent/open count will always be less than or equal to the total number of leads, as it represents the distinct number of leads who received/opened at least one email. Similarly, the open count will always be less than or equal to (total number of leads * total number of sequences), as it represents the total number of times emails were opened across all sequences in the campaign.

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