Email tracking and how to send plain text emails for better deliverability:

Explore the importance of email tracking and sending plain text emails for improved deliverability.

Email tracking is a feature used in email marketing campaigns to track when recipients open emails and interact with them. It typically involves injecting a tracking pixel or invisible image into the email, which sends a signal to the sender's server when the email is opened.

However, due to privacy protection policies implemented by some email clients, such as Apple's proxy system, email tracking may not always provide accurate results.

To improve deliverability and ensure reliable tracking, you have the option to send plain text emails without any tracking features enabled. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Access Campaign Settings

  • Log in to your email marketing tool and navigate to the Campaign or Email Settings page.

Step 2: Choose Plain Text Option

  • Under the Campaign or Email Settings, look for an option to send emails as plain text.

  • Select the option to send emails as plain text. This will disable any tracking features, including open tracking.

Step 3: Save Settings

  • Save your settings to apply the changes.

Explanation of How Email Tracking Works: Email tracking typically involves injecting a 1px tracking pixel or invisible image into the email. When the recipient opens the email, the image is loaded, and a signal is sent to the sender's server, indicating that the email has been opened. This is recorded as an open in the email tracking report.

However, some email clients, such as Apple's proxy system, may block these tracking pixels or images, preventing accurate tracking of email opens. As a result, the reported open rates may not always be entirely accurate, especially for recipients using email clients with strict privacy protection policies.

Conclusion: Sending plain text emails without tracking features can be beneficial for better deliverability and to comply with privacy protection policies. By following the steps mentioned above to send plain text emails, you can ensure that your recipients receive emails without any tracking enabled. However, it's important to note that email tracking may not always provide accurate results due to various factors, including email client settings and privacy protection policies.

For more information on email tracking and custom domain tracking, you can refer to the documentation provided by Smartlead or check out this link. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please reach out to our support team.

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