Replies are not showing up- what to do?

Understand the intentional time gap in email automation tools. Learn why this gap exists, ensuring clean connectivity and preventing flags

When using email automation tools, you may notice a time gap of 30 to 60 minutes from the time a reply is received to when it shows up in the master inbox. This time gap is intentionally maintained to ensure clean connectivity among your email accounts and prevent potential flags for automation. In this article, we will explain why this time gap exists and how it ensures the safety and effectiveness of your email automation.

Reasons for the Time Gap:

  1. Webhook Availability: Most email providers, such as Outlook, Gmail, and Zoho, do not provide webhooks for replies. Webhooks are used to receive real-time notifications when an event, such as a reply, occurs. Without webhooks, email automation tools need to rely on sustained access to the email accounts to capture replies. However, frequent and repetitive access to email accounts within a short time span may trigger automated flags for suspicious activity, leading to potential deliverability issues.

  2. Clean Connectivity: To ensure clean connectivity among your email accounts and prevent potential flags for automation, a time gap of 30 to 60 minutes is maintained between the receipt of a reply and its appearance in the master inbox. This allows for a reasonable time interval for the email automation tool to access the email accounts without triggering any flags or alerts.

How it Affects Your Automation: Rest assured that the time gap for replies does not impact the effectiveness of your email automation. Before a follow-up email is sent to a lead, our automation engine ensures that there are no replies received during the 30 to 60 minute interval. This ensures that your automation is always safe and maintains a high level of deliverability.

Conclusion: The time gap of 30 to 60 minutes between the receipt of a reply and its appearance in the master inbox is maintained to ensure clean connectivity among your email accounts and prevent potential flags for automation. This time gap does not affect the effectiveness of your email automation, as our automation engine ensures that no replies are missed before sending follow-up emails. If you have any further questions or need assistance with your email automation, please contact our support team for guidance.

Note: The exact time gap and implementation may vary depending on the email automation tool you are using. Please refer to the documentation provided by your email automation tool for specific information on how replies are captured and processed.

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