Replies by leads not reflected in Master Inbox

Troubleshoot lead reply issues in the Master Inbox. Ensure all lead responses are accurately reflected for seamless communication.

  • There’s a 30 - 60 minute time gap from the reply being received to it showing up in the master inbox.

  • This time gap is maintained to ensure clean connectivity amongst your email accounts. Short and repetitive access may flag your account for automation.

  • Most emailing tools don't provide webhooks for replies, e.g. (Outlook, Gmail, and Zoho), and as a result, we need to maintain sustained access to ensure we can capture replies.

  • With that said, there will not be a moment where a "follow-up" is sent without looking for a reply because right before a follow-up email is sent to a lead, our engine ensures there are no replies that were received in the "30-60" minute interval.

    So your automation is always safe and top-class.

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