How to do Personalization for Generic Emails

Learn how to personalize an email when you don't much information on leads.

In case you don’t have detailed information about your leads, you can personalize the email:

  • By addressing them by first name: Hi Jenny

However, if you don’t have the first name of the prospect, too, you can personalize the email in the following ways: 

  • By adding the time of the day - Good morning Jane

  • By adding the day of the week- Happy Monday

  • By adding custom dates to try to book a time or meeting with your lead - Jan 21st 2023

You can add first name in the email body by using dynamic custom variables. This you how you do it:  

"Hey {{firstName}}"

To add the time of the day, write sl_time_of_day enclosed with brackets like below: 

Good {{sl_time_of_day}}

To add the day of the week, write sl_day_of_week enclosed with brackets like below:

Happy {{sl_day_of_week}}

To add custom dates for booking a time or meeting with your lead, 

{{sl_date "2 days from now" "MMMM Do YYYY"}}


{{sl_date "10 minutes from now" "dddd, MMMM Do YYYY"}}

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